Dry ice blasting packaging machine

Among the many applications of cryogenic cleaning, the cleaning of runway light on tracks by spraying dry ice, is most certainly the fastest technique and the most respectful of the treated surfaces.

This video is taken from the section: Dry ice blasting applications video gallery


Dry ice blasting food industry – Packaging machine

  • Sector : agri-food sector (yogurt)
  • Treatment object : packaging machine
  • Equipment used : ATX25-E

Dry ice blasting food industry packaging machine: cleaning operation for agri-food packaging in the dairy product manufacturing sector.

The cleaning of the interior and exterior frames by dry ice blasting eliminates the use of detergents and water, which can locally promote the development of bacteria such as E. Coli, Listeria …

The process is very fast and allows smooth cleaning of stainless-steel surfaces (racks, conveyor chains), sensors, circuits for greasing pneumatic components…

How does it work? Explanation of the process of dry ice blasting food industry packaging machine

  • The projection of dry ice on the fouled surfaces takes off by micro-hammering the dirt.
  • This phenomenon is facilitated by the very low temperature of the dry ice: – 112 ° F (-80° C): the dirt comes off under the effect of its contraction, induced by the very low temperature of the ice – 122 °F (-80 °C).

P.S: dry ice cleaning being a very fast process, the surface temperature of the treated materials is 46 – 53° F (8 to 12° C) lower than the ambient temperature.

  • The passage of the ice from the solid state to the gaseous state, after micro-impact, literally blows the dirt: a “sweep” or “vacuum cleaner” is enough!

What equipment is used for dry ice blasting in food industry

The dry ice blaster used in this video is the Cryoblaster® ATX25-E model in Medium mode.

Thanks to its small footprint, its very high power (supersonic nozzle coupled to an optimization of the internal piping in 1 inch), its low consumption of dry ice: the ATX25-E is the indispensable ally of the maintenance teams of agri-food industry…


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