This article and this video entitled
cryogenic stripping on wooden shutters,
are taken from the section
applications of cryogenic cleaning
. The stripping of wood by cryogenics type of operation does not generate dust, because the medium used is dry ice, whose hardness is only 2 Mohs, or the hardness of chalk.
- Sector: –
- Purpose of the treatment: Wooden shutter (pine)
- Hardware used: ATX25-E
Cryogenic stripping on wooden shutters
is one of the flagship applications of cryogenic cleaning. Unlike aeroscrub, this process does not use an abrasive.
This process is similar to the sandblasting technique: dry ice is introduced inside the blaster hopper in the form of pellets or mini-cylinders.
The projection of the dry ice is carried out usingcompressed air (compressor), a gun and spray nozzles.
How does it work?
As soon as dry ice has the impact on the pollution to be treated, it cracks and peels off the support: soft wood shutter.
Three phenomena then take place:
- The impact generates a mechanical action (cracking of pollution),
- The intense cold of the ice retracts the pollution thermal action,
- Finally, dry ice passes from the solid state to the gaseous state and takes 700 times its volume, blowing pollution: this is sublimation.
Advantages of cryogenic pickling on wooden shutters
The advantages of cryogenic pickling on wooden shutters
are multiple:
– the removal of pollution does not require solvents or strippers,
– No need for a thermal stripper or spatula either,
– The work is fast and does not generate excessive dust
For a quality finish, you can complete the stripping operation using sandpaper sanding.
Finally, if the wood is likely to be marked or have a brushed effect, you can consider the use of
cryogenic scrub
or the use of dry ice mixed with abrasive for a more powerful stripping: rust, rim stripping … You will be able to use bicarbonate for the stripping of graffiti, to strip the lacquer. The aggregate used will depend on the type of pollution of the surface to be stripped: paints, oxidation… on wooden furniture, metal surfaces…
Comparable to the sandblasting technique, cryogenic scrubbing is as precise and gentle as manual sandpaper stripping…
Did you know?
Cryogenic cleaning is mainly used in industries, but this process is increasingly used also, with individuals and in particular for the degreasing of car engines, for the cleaning of dry facades … to clean all surfaces without the risk of damaging them.
Do you want to get into cryogenics, to renovate cars (makeover)? To clean your industrial tools? Request a quote by filling out the contact form.
Other videos on the topic Wood
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